I had to go through a double verification to get to leave this comment, which should tell you how moved I am by your posting. First, I have to say your writing gives me hope that humans can know each other in real ways. Second, thank you for putting words into the fraught space that is Israeli-Palestine and please know I seek dialogue on this topic. Third, I wish I could have met your Aunt Augusta. Fourth: Your Passover memories and longings and meanings so achingly bridge the personal and the historical/political: How long we humans have been struggling for freedom.........

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First. Thank you so much for your kind words. Second. These are such dark times and no one is happy. The game of dueling oppression is too easy and no one’s willing to agree. Third. Aunt Augusta was a tough nut and an acquired taste. You would have loved each other! Four. We begin at 6:30. Come on over!

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Zissen Pesach i alegre!

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I will miss you, mi estrella! Enjoy!

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